Dogwoods in Atlanta.
How do you describe pure delight and discovery?
Why did I never discover these from when I was here before (1975-1983)?
The dogwoods are scattered throughout the woods that abound in Atlanta.
The blossoms are large - just 4 petals. Delicate. They are held on delicate limbs, with no leaves, so they 'float' through the air. They follow the sun, and the spring sun makes the white such a bright color.
How you you describe looking at lace delicately but abundantly sprinkled throughout the taller trees just regaining their green after the bareness of winter? The white such a contrast to the dark trunks and sparce greenery that becomes a jungle of green with the sultry summer humidity.
The delicate white blossoms appear as if they float on air. Truly magical fairy wings fluttering.
The large petals make it seem as if a cloud of delicate white butterflies has drifted to earth to filter through the forest, and reach out to delight the heart and eye. They appear in unexpected places, suddenly and briefly, to add joy to the day, for they are the art of today. Enjoy! It does the soul so good and adds poetry to the heart that sighs within one's existence.
Spring is hell for hayfever sufferers. The blossoms are incredible. Azaelias are gorgeous, the pollen shows on the cars. This is the apartment group that I live in, and the Dodge Ram 1500 pickup (country cadillac) that I'm driving.
30th October 2011 - update I lost all my images so have just replaced one of them. Sorry.
Be grateful for every moment of life.
All moments are fleeting and once past, are gone forever.
From some of my childhood memories I'd love to bring back again, even of such simple things as Xmas dinner at my Aunt's - to moments of sharing another's touch and warmth and glow.
I get emails from friends asking where am I - and then saying that they are looking on my site at my blog to catch up with my latest news. I think this means that probably I am going to have to update with more than art news.
Life is an adventure. Never more so than now.
The twists and turns of life can never be assumed or taken for granted. In many ways I'm not pleased at my change of plans, but at the same time, I have shouted to the heavens that I will not let things get me 'down'.
The adventures I am on are currently a curiousity and I will ride them as I feel myself grow with them, letting my passion and zest for life touch and caress the world around as I pass through this transition to the future which lays firmly ahead in the unknown, untried zone.
I am in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Marietta, in fact. Home of the big chicken. What a boon to say I live on the same road as the big chicken - run a search on 'big chicken' - you'll find it! I remember it from 20+ years ago when I lived in nearby Smyrna.
I guess it's part of re-living some of my past, moving away from my son who lives south-side of this incredible city that seems to constantly be on the move.
An appropriate city for one in transition.
Come with me.