Saturday, June 09, 2007

Revamping, revamping. Again??????

Well, if you don't like where you are in life, take life by it's tail and change it.

I've re-vamped my website:
Please take a look. I'm particularly pleased.
I've included a slide show of ACEOs (art cards) at the moment it's HOUSES.
Thank you to artist friend Ellen Morrow in Oregon for showing me the script.
Here is her work:

I've also started upgrading my Cafe Press store.
I'm having fun creating some graphic images for sale on clothing and gifts and more.
I LOVE these items. Please look:
I'm hoping to do more changes in future.

I also used a slide show on my website for my miniature art gallery.
It's a roombox. 1/12th scale. If you love miniatures. Take a peek. All the work there is hand-done.

Thanks for dropping by.
If you could send some positive energy this way, I'd appreciate it as there are a lot of things that aren't going the greatest at the moment, and some hugs and prayers would help. Thank you.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

YouTube video of ACEOs - please watch.

You know that I do a specialist type of artwork.
It is an exciting new art movement.
Fun and collectible - trading card size - collect in albums or display.
Wonderful and affordable original art.
Collect by artist, theme, media or ...?

Each is just 2.5x3.5"

Members of the 'ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts' group on eBay have now created our first youTube Video

Please take the time to view it on:

Be sure to rate it - we really want to take this to the highest ratings.
Thank you.
