Monday, June 05, 2006

ACEOs and now SFA, too! Small Format Art - and other ventures.

Haven't posted in a while.
Sometimes life becomes a jumble, especially when you have no clear direction, and things you believe in, suddenly are found to be not what you thought at all.

Still pursuing making mainly Art Cards (ATCs/ACEOs) - 2.5x3.5" I still believe in them as an exciting art movement.

I have a group on ebay 'ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts' that is now 1,400 members strong, and growing daily.

I also promote SFA - small format art. That group is 280 members strong. This is artworks, no larger than 14" in any one direction. I also have a new website that backs up this group.

My latest venture follows through from me teaching this past few months, second graders at elementary schools, about Australia. This is in conjunction with the Australian Bakery Cafe which is about 3 miles from where I live. It is fun listening to the kids' questions. ...."How do you brush your teeth in Australia?" :)
I am putting my Australian photos, and will be drawing some typical Australian themed works to put on items. I have a website to back that all up -

Recently I went to a circus and photo'd clowns, and to the Georgia Renaissance Festival, where I took over 700 photos, and I'm starting to turn them into art cards featuring these characters. I love doing them. So hope you'll look at my 'Art Trading Cards' tab on my site, to take a look.

Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by.